Friday, August 24, 2012

A Dream Catchers Treasury

As legends go, so do dreams..............passed down from one story teller to another.......Generation to generation. If we are so blessed to have story tellers born into our families, the legend lives on. From a whisper to the written word; a lullabye that plays in ones ear through the moving of the wind; a fluttering of the heart upon a feeling within; the recognition of a face......the memory of a distant embrace....... that treasured object from generations past .............As legends do dreams. When they catch you........Share them....... deb.

'Dream Catchers' by skyspirit8

Indian dream
Lipstick Case Vintage 8...
Earth Spirit Lions Claw...
Teal Arrow Earrings. Jo...
Bangle Bracelet,Copper,...
Dream catcher
Aztec Dream catcher TOM...
HeadBand with HORSEHAI...
Alive Glass - Teal Bico...
Dragon Eye Pendant Neck...
Vintage Metal Buttons ...
Juniper Ridge Fire Opal
Dream Catcher, Legend o...
Simple Wire Band Ring
Renaissance Square and ...

Monday, August 20, 2012

Vintage photos of Biloxi's Fishing Heritage

Vintage Biloxi

circa 1901 Biloxi Lighthouse
 The historical Mississippi Lighthouse is Biloxi's signature landmark. A symbol of the city's resolve and resilience. Civilian operated from 1848 to 1939 is notable for its female lightkeepers; mainly Maria Younghans who tended the lighthouse for 53 years. In 1939, the U.S. Coast Guard assumed responsibility for the light's operation.
The Biloxi Lighthouse was deeded to the City of Biloxi in 1968.

Circa 1908

circa 1952
 my young mother being photographed by her then boyfriend, my father on the beach south west of the Biloxi Lighthouse across from Porter Avenue. A two lane paved highway protected by the seawall.

 circa 2011

 Biloxi Lighthouse offers tours and still proudly stands today on the south side of Hwy 90's Four Lane Highway and the 'Newly' re-constructed Biloxi's Visitors Center

Vintage Photos of Biloxi and her fishing families heritage from Mississippi Coast Historical and Genealogical Society

The Art of Shrimping
fishermen, shrimp boats, net making, shrimp catch, draining shrimp

Oyster Reefs
cooning oysters, fishing boats, tonging for Oysters,  and fishermen

cooning oysters

boat, Julia Delacruz

 tonging for oysters; Lighthouse in the background

Shucking oysters
These photos range from the early 1900's to the 1950's.